Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Apple In Court?

Recently there has been a big fight between apple and the FBI. Last December there was a Terrorist attack with a couple there names were Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik. They killed 14 people and 22 people were injured. This was a very bad attack that shouldn't happen again. After the attack they found Syed Farook the attackers Iphone. This Iphone was locked so the government wants apple to unlock the phone. But apple says they don't want to unlock the phone because the endless things that could happen if they do. At  first apple said no but the FBI kept trying to convince apple to unlock the phone even to this day. According to apple, "The FBI wants us to make a new version of the Iphone operating system.( Overall its all if apple can defend them selves. The FBI probably has the best chance because they pretty much the government. My opinion is that apple should not let the FBI get into the phone. 
My questions are that who do you think would win at the end?
Is it worth it to unlock the phone?


  1. I think that even though apple is being pretty stubborn, the FBI will win eventually because they are the FBI. I am in the middle if they should unlock the phone because so many good things and a lot of bad things could happen so i don't know if they should or not.

  2. Well Jacob I think apple will win because Its there company and Tim Cook has the right to do what he wants.

  3. I think that Apple will win because even though the Government is suing Apple, apple has every right to say what they want. I dont think it is worth unlocking the phone because then the backdoor is there to use on anyones phone. Then the cell phone hackers can get into any kind of iphone they want. It is a hard and risky decision on Tim Cooks part.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Question 1: I think Apple will win in the end because it is not the governments choice to have them make a new system, accourding to Apple says “The United States government has demanded that Apple take an unprecedented step which threatens the security of our customers. We oppose this order, which has implications far beyond the legal case at hand. This moment calls for public discussion, and we want our customers and people around the country to understand what is at stake.” The government wants them to make a new operating system which is not there choice so therefore Apple will win

  6. Question 2: I think it is worth it too unlock the phone but only if the public's security is not at risk, according to The government said "This is a tailored request to get around limits on guessing the phones passcode. There is no effort to create a master key." Even if they dont make a master key it could still create something catastrophic
